Se former à des métiers d'avenir avec
la faculté des sciences et technologies


Parcours Énergie électrique et développement durable / Electrical engineering for sustainable development (M2

  • Durée: 2 semestre(s)
  • Accessible en: Formation initiale , Formation continue
  • Stage: OBLIGATOIRE(S4)
  • Niveau de diplôme requis à l'entrée: BAC+4
  • Niveau de diplôme validé à la sortie: BAC+5
  • N°RNCP: RNCP39060
  • 20250308

Objectifs de la formation

The Master E2SD is a degree co-authorized by the University of Lille, Arts et Métiers ParisTech Lille Center, and Centrale of Lille. Moreover, the master E2SD offers a double degree with Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT-China) and Ghent University

It allows acquiring a specialized knowledge in electrical engineering applied to environmental problems. It therefore constitutes an effective preparation for PhD in the areas of power conversion, design of electromechanical actuators with high  performance, sustainable transport, integration of renewable energy sources in the grid

The aim of the Master «Electrical engineering for Sustainable Development» is to train students in advanced methods of design and control of electrical systems to increase the contribution of renewable energies in the generation of electricity and as sources for transport and to improve the performance and the energy efficiency of electrical systems in order to move towards a more rational use of natural resources and to greater respect of environmental heritage.

Spécificités de la formation

  • The strengths of the M2 E2SD lie, on the one hand, in the international character of the training that allows a mix of students from different nationalities and therefore an openness to different cultures and ways of thinking and, on the other hand, in courses taught by active teacher-researchers, thus providing knowledge from the latest research.
  • Students also benefit from the environment of a recognized research laboratory as well as its network of national and international industrial and academic partners. Lastly, the high rates of professional integration and doctoral pursuit show that the E2SD master is well identified and appreciated by industry and provides good candidates for research.

Compétences visées

At the end of the training, the students are able to apprehend a scientific problem of electrical engineering with a sustainable development dimension and are able to implement adequate tools to bring solutions to it, such as:

  • Definion of advanced power electronic systems for sustainable applications and analyzis of complex energy conversion system for control purpose.
  • Use of skills for energy modelling and their application to the concept of eco-design.
  • Analysis of electromechanical conversion at low-frequency and use of issues and approaches to achieve optimal design
  • Study of new energy storage systems in future transportation systems;
  • Developpement of future traction systems using a systemic optimization and multiphysical modelling
  • Study of solutions involving the integration of renewable energies in the electricity system and design of subsystems for renewable energy systems

Modalités d'admission/ Conditions d'accès


L’accès est de droit en master 2 pour les étudiant·e·s ayant validé le master 1 correspondant à l'université de Lille.
Les candidat·e·s issu·e·s d'une autre mention, d'un autre parcours de la mention ou d'un autre établissement d'enseignement supérieur doivent formuler une demande d'intégration selon les modalités suivantes :

Formation ouverte au recrutement : Oui

Commentaire :

Non ouvert à l’alternance

Enseigné en anglais

Capacité d'accueil : 25 places

Langues vivantes enseignées :

  • Anglais

Campagne de recrutement principale:
  • Date d’ouverture du recrutement : 20250505
  • Date de fermeture : 20250613
  • Date publication des résultats : 20250701

Déposez votre candidature sur la plateforme Ecandidat de l'université de Lille

Modalités d’examen des dossiers basées sur les pièces suivantes :

La lettre de demande d'intégration présentant le projet professionnel et personnel de recherche.
Les relevés de notes du Master1 (qui pourront être complétés au besoin par le programme détaillé des UE).

Attendus :

Toutes les pièces obligatoires sont à joindre en anglais

Bonus : 2 lettres de recommandation

niveau d'anglais

Organisation de la formation

  • Within the framework of the Master ‘Electrical Engineering for Sustainable Development’, professional training (internship) has a great importance and takes place during the last semester, for at least 4 months.
  • The master student works under one scientist supervision, on an innovative topic, and presents his results through a written report and an oral defense at the end of the training period. Professional training can be achieved either in a research lab or in an industrial context with the following objectives:
    • Application of concepts studied in the previous semester
    • Autonomy learning to work on a new and scientific project
    • Development of initiative capabilities and research methodology application
    • State of the art and a synthesis of scientific results for oral and written presentation
  • The units of the programme include fundamental and practical courses. They are organized around fields of skills, know-how and knowledge (called BCC):


UE 1 Langue vivante : Anglais et Communication 3 5 crédit(s)
UE 1 Projet bibliographique PBb 5 crédit(s)
UE 1 Energy conversion 5 crédit(s)
UE 2 Electromagnetic Energy Conversion and Eco-design 5 crédit(s)
UE 1 Sustainable Developpement Applications 5 crédit(s)
UE 2 Options 5 crédit(s)
UE 2 Scientific project 10 crédit(s)
UE 1 Internship 20 crédit(s)

Poursuite d'études

The doctoral pursuit rate is about 35% (average value since 2008), and increases to more than 50% for students in single registration (who follow only the master degree). Other students find work in industry in France or in their home country.

Insertion professionnelle

Since this M2 is taught in English, more than 40% of the students enrolled are of foreign nationalities (China, Vietnam, Morocco, Russia, Iran, Argentina, Spain, Algeria,...). This share is also increasing following a better promotion of our training on specialized sites.

The employments concerned, after the PhD, are those relative to research in public and private industrial groups and High Education:

  • Associate professor (Universities, Engineering Schools),
  • Researcher in public laboratories (CNRS, IFSTTAR, etc…) or industrial laboratories (EDF, etc.),
  • Frame / Project Manager in groups, SMEs / SMIs (Siemens, Alstom, Valeo, etc.) and public structures (Region)

Retrouvez les études et enquêtes de l’ODiF (Observatoire de la Direction de la Formation) sur l’insertion professionnelle des diplômés de la licence sur :

Faculte des Sciences et Technologies

Université de Lille I Campus Cité scientifique
1er étage - Bât. faculté des sciences et technologies
59655 Villeneuve-d'Ascq

FST - Dep. Electronique Electrotech. Aut

Université de Lille I Campus Cité scientifique

Responsable Mention


Secrétariat Pédagogique

MAL Barbara
+33 (0)3 20 43 48 63

Responsable Parcours

TOUNZI Abdelmounaim