ENG - la faculté des sciences et technologies
Department of Physics


The courses offered to students are resolutely oriented towards the business world, particularly those offered on a sandwich basis. They benefit from the research potential of our laboratories and from our relationships with industry and the socio-economic world of the Hauts-de-France region, France and Europe. These privileged relationships enable our students to integrate effectively into the world of work. Thus, the professional insertion rates after a training in Science and Technology within our Faculty are very satisfactory.

Our students are trained by teacher-researchers working in research laboratories of international stature. During their training, they are exposed to the concepts and techniques that will lead to tomorrow's innovations. Mastering these scientific and technical advances will enable them to contribute to their development and to develop applications.

Throughout their studies, our students complete internships in companies. Do not hesitate to contact our department with your internship, work-study or job offers.